Daniel Romano // Dead Soft
Mar 3, 2019
The Exchange presents Daniel Romano on the “Finally Free” Tour. Recording, producing, designing his album art, and directing their accompanying videos, Romano has had what understatedly prolific output of entrancing, poignant, and creative work in the past eight years. His latest on New West Records, Finally Free, was recorded on a 4-Track Tascam cassette recorder with Romano making constant stream-of-consciousness commitments to everything that was recorded in order to bounce them down to stereo and free up tracks for additional elements. The record harks back to his early studies and obsessions in traditional folk music while simultaneously conveying a surprisingly modern and engaging aesthetic.
Vancouver, B.C. rock group Dead Soft open.
Doors at 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets are $15 and are available at Vintage Vinyl, Madame Yes, and online. Find online tickets above. $20 at the door. All ages and licensed.
Visit Daniel Romano’s website, Facebook page, and Twitter feed.